
Blogs and Free Resources

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Free Yourself from Feeling Boxed in By Anger

Free strategy from the Letting Go of Anger Card Deck

Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D.

The following, easy to visualize, empowering metaphor can quickly help clients free themselves from feeling trapped in by anger.


Shaping the Conversations of Love: 2 Simple Techniques for Working with Distressed Couples

Sue Johnson, Ed.D.

In this free, short video, Dr. Sue Johnson will show you two simple EFT techniques to help partners have conversations that redefine a distressed relationship and ensure you're shaping a more secure bond.


Letting Go of Anger

A simple skill to successfully manage teen anger

Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D.

Float on a Cloud is a popular and highly effective tool to manage not only a teen's anger, but also those underlying, super-strong feelings felt immediately before anger such as: frustration, fear, hurt, failure, humiliation, shame, sadness, rejection, distrust, jealousy, inadequacy, and insecurity. Just follow these 4 simple steps...


CBT Tools for Resolving Anxiety in Children & Adolescents

Two FREE worksheets you can use today

Lisa Weed Phifer, DEd, NCSP

Worksheets can be engaging, interactive and useful tools for clinicians — especially when working with kids. Read more to get two FREE CBT tools for exploring anxiety with the kids in your practice.


My Journey as a Doctor Treating Pain

What science has taught me about pill-free approaches to pain management

Don Teater, M.D., MPH

What causes chronic pain when the area that hurts hasn't been physically impacted? We suspect that childhood trauma, adult trauma, prolonged exposure to opioids, and prolonged exposure to pain are just some of the triggers. We know that pills or surgery can't fix this — but behavioral therapy can...


5 Strategies for Forging Healthy Relationships with Others (and Yourself)

How to Make Connections for a Truly Happy Life after 50

Andrea Brandt, Ph.D., MFT

By Andrea Brandt - In this third part of a three-part series adapted from the upcoming book Mindful Aging: Embracing Your Life after 50 to Find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Joy, author and clinician Andrea Brandt looks at how a more intentional relationship with ourselves can lead to more satisfying relationships with others.


Tips for Living the Life You Want

Think Your Greatest Success is Out of Reach? Think Again

Andrea Brandt, Ph.D., MFT

By Andrea Brandt - In this second part of a three-part series adapted from the upcoming book Mindful Aging: Embracing Your Life after 50 to Find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Joy, author and clinician Andrea Brandt looks at how to increase awareness of what brings you joy.


Treating Chronic Pain

Pill-Free Approaches to Move People From Hurt To Hope

Martha Teater, MA, LMFT, LCAS, LPC

There's a myth that opioid pain medications are the strongest painkillers we have. It's not true.

Let me show you the science, and what you should do to treat chronic pain.


Trauma-Informed Meditation

Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN

It’s important to understand that traumatic experiences can significantly affect our perceptions and our sense of self, and can sensitize us to sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Fortunately, there are helpful ways to ensure that meditation instruction is trauma-informed, with an emphasis on grounding and physical and emotional security.


How to Get Kids Reading Before Kindergarten

The "Kitten Chow" activity

Karen Thatcher, Ed.D., CCC-SLP

We all play a vital role in the development of the kids that we serve. As providers, we not only affect a child's current development, we also have the ability to shape a child's future academic and social success when we help them learn to love reading.


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