
Blogs and Free Resources

Here at 小蝌蚪视频, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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Lion Breathing

Melt stress and tension from your face

Jamie Marich, Ph.D.

For all the time we spend stretching our body, how often do we pause to stretch our face? With Lion Breathing you can quickly and easily relieve stress and tension by stretching your face.


MBSR-T Interventions: Pleasant Life Moments & Events Calendar

Learn how Gina Biegel uses Pleasant Life Moments in her work with teens

Gina Biegel, MA, LMFT

In this video, Gina Biegel, creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens (MBSR-T), shares her Pleasant Life Moments and Pleasant Events Calendar interventions. They are powerful teen-focused mindfulness practices that draw awareness to the many positive moments and activities in daily life.


Behavioral Stress Tolerance Plan: A worksheet for therapists and clients

Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D.

An excellent way to manage both your stress and your client鈥檚 is to incorporate a Behavioral Stress Tolerance Plan. Get the worksheet and find out how it's different from most emotional management plans.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A free technique to implement today.

Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW

Can a raisin transform your life? It鈥檚 possible. If you want to give your clients the skill to live in the present moment and help them put stress and pain behind them, take a few minutes to watch this video by MBSR expert Elana Rosenbaum.


The Mindful Check-In: Bringing stressed clients into the present moment.

Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.

Are you working with a client suffering from anxiety, PTSD, depression or any other stress-related condition? This technique can keep their mind from wandering.


Emotional Freedom Technique: Tapping to better emotional health

Linda Curran, BCPC, LPC, CACD, CCDPD

Can you tap yourself to better emotional health? Watch and learn as Linda Curran, LPC and president of Integrative Trauma Treatment, LLC, demonstrates EFT.


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