
Video: Installing Resources

An Attachment-Focused EMDRâ„¢ In-session Demonstration with Dr. Laurel Parnell


Contrary to some beliefs, EMDR is easy.

Treating trauma, on the other hand, is very difficult...

That's because when we use EMDR, or any other trauma processing method, we are deliberately destabilizing our client.

But we can ensure our clients safety and stabilization by giving them the tools and skills to regulate themselves before we begin trauma treatment.

The way we do this is called resource installation, and it's simple.

In this free, short video, Dr. Laurel Parnell, leader and innovator in the field of EMDR, shows you how to install resources and prepare your client for safe and effective trauma treatment. 

Topic: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

Tags: EMDR | Trauma | Trauma Treatment | Laurel Parnell, Ph.D.

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