As you know, age is the
number one contributing factor to the development of dementia. With the Baby Boomers — the second largest generation in America — entering retirement, a boom in dementia cases is expected. However...
...dementia is
NOT an inevitable consequence of old age.
Promising research is showing us there may be methods to
alleviate the risk of early onset Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia!
Learn Dr. Sherrie All’s three simple steps for maximum brain investment.
When studying the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, it was discovered that those who were considered “sharp as a tack” had notably larger brains than those who displayed signs of advanced dementia, although both had the
same amount of Alzheimer’s disease in their brains. The conclusion: a larger brain can better withstand the effects of the beta-amyloid plaques.
In this short video, Dr. Sherrie All will explain how investment in the brain can help control brain cell growth, effectively delaying onset of dementia.