
Blogs and Free Resources

Here at Сòòò½ÊÓƵ, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Children: Grounding and Becoming Present

Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RYT, RCYT

Get two yoga and mindfulness practices to share with the children in your life. Each exercise comes with matching coloring pages and worksheets to further enhance the experience and deepen reflection, and you can download these supporting materials for free. Don’t forget to try these out yourself as well, as we all could use some orienting and grounding no matter what our age! 


Breath of Joy

A Yoga Practice for Children with ADHD

Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RYT, RCYT

Sometimes children with ADHD just can't stop moving...Here's a quick and enjoyable strategy to help restore attention and focus.


Inside/Outside Box

A powerful art-based play therapy technique

Clair Mellenthin, LCSW, RPT-S

The Inside/Outside Box is a wonderful tool that elicits powerful emotions and helps tweens and teens begin to see their whole self, creating a launching pad for blossoming self-esteem and self-worth.


Yoga & Mindfulness for Children

Practices for Better Mind-Body Balance

Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RYT, RCYT

Yoga and mindfulness practices can be powerful tools to help children build strength, manage their emotions, become more flexible (physically and mentally!), and gain mind-body balance. With our young clients, students and our own children headed back to school, you may be in need of some fun and simple strategies to deal with the stress and anxiety that can accompany this transition. Here are three practices you can try today!


How To: Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Self-Regulation with Children & Adolescents

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Worksheet Included


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a great technique to use with children struggling with self-regulation because it allows for personalization of the scripted passages we use to guide the exercise. Read more to download your FREE PMR Worksheet...


Video: Emotional Responsiveness with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

When you nurture your child's emotional world, you help build the connective fibers that make the reactive centers of their brains more readily and easily calmed down. Over time, these repeated emotional responsive interactions change your child's brain in a way that allows them to have better behavior and better emotional regulation. Learn more from Dr. Tina Payne Bryson...


Can’t vs. Wont: The No-Drama Strategy to Help You Respond to Your Child’s Needs

Free Worksheet: Distinguishing Can’t From Won’t

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

Making the distinction between can’t and won’t will help you respond to your child’s needs, and support him in moments when he is having difficulty managing his emotions and behaviors. Instead of reacting to disobedience, you can respond to your child in a way that builds connection and reduces the unwanted behavior.


Positive Power: A strategy for behavioral challenges in children

Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, MA, LPA

Getting a child to follow directions can be difficult. But getting a child with oppositional, defiant or disruptive behavior to follow directions is a full time job. If you work with children that have challenging behaviors, try this easy-to-use Positive Power strategy presented by Сòòò½ÊÓƵ speaker Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, MA, LPA.


Ha Kriya: A breathwork exercise

Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RYT, RCYT

The leading voice in the children's yoga and mindfulness community, Jennifer Cohen Harper, MA, E-RCYT, presents her favorite way to empower the children she works with. This segment will show you how to prepare a child for challenging tasks using our most powerful tool: breath.


How To: Getting Kids to Chip In Around the House

Susan P. Epstein, LCSW

When everyone in the family contributes to the chores, you teach a valuable lesson: The family is a team. Here are some tips and tricks to getting everyone involved with household chores.


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